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Sunday, 16 June 2013

Remember me PC Review

Set in Neo Paris, in 2084 AD Remember Me is gorgeous action adventure game developed by CAPCOM. More like Inversion, the game is purely sci-fi fiction. We play as the character Nilin, a memory hunter, who can bend others' memories to her whim. You might be wondering what memory hunters really do? Or how they can bend, erase or create memory bugs in peoples' memory palace. Well during the year 2084, memories are like commodities which can...

Saturday, 8 June 2013

GRID 2 PC Review

Racing through the beautiful tall buildings of Dubai, a bright orange red heat on the hood of the car in Miami, passing through the curvy roads of rocky mountains of California is certainly a delight to watch. But if you are in a race, every second counts, right?  GRID 2 graphics are certainly a distraction to the racer ( in a good way).  Set in four major race track -- USA, UK, DUBAI, JAPAN, Grid 2 is boon for some serious racers. Grid...

Friday, 7 June 2013

Upcoming Reviews

Next reviews coming up 1. COJ: Gunslinger 2. Remember ...