Thursday 13 September 2012

The Darkness 2 PC Review

I felt like a monster playing this game. I was invincible. Great visuals presented in a graphic novel style and better gameplay mechanics than its prequel and the story being strong definitely makes the game a success project. 

The darkness 2 portrays the lead protagonist Jackie Estacado who in the prequel has lost his girlfriend jenny Ramano, becomes the head the Franchetti crime family. The darkness was brought to his family by his great grandfather. 

The game starts off with Jackie going to restaurant, where he is attacked by the mob. When things go out of hand, The darkness wheedles him to release it. As the story progresses Jackie finds he is being pursued by the organisation led by Angelus for the darkness using the siphon. I have told the story in short. I felt the story was strong and reasonable. Come on it would not be justified if we had to just went on a killing spree of people without any motive. That would be cheap. 

Well, the combat in The Darkness II is vastly superior to that of its predecessor. There are plethora of tactics one can use like conventional weapons, guns, use dragons by slashing the enemies, throwing the objects and by causing environment destruction. The Darkness powers include summoning different types of imp-like "darklings" that can attack foes, using "dark tentacles" to impale foes or break down walls, using "creeping dark" tendrils that sneak along floors, walls, and ceilings to take out foes from a distance, and creating a black hole that sucks anything nearby into it. The dragons on either side are cool and dangerous. They slash through the power boxes, break doors or barriers, and rip the enemies in many possible ways. Each in its way is gruesome and its exciting to kill the enemies in different style when it comes with a reward. 

Dragons are so cool
They also can pick glowing objects and slice and butcher the enemies at a far distance. By tearing an opponent limb from limb you will be able to regenerate health, replenish some of your ammunition, decrease the cool down of tertiary abilities or generate a protective barrier for a short period of time. This is how gruesome the death can be. Better not to keep with Jackie. :P

Simple upgrade system
The unlockables and powers are pretty simple and straightforward. Between battles you will come across ominous purple rifts which give you access to an upgrade wheel interface. Jackie can unlock abilities using the “Essence” (Experience) he’s accumulated from dispatching foes in clever ways. Also there are many relics to collect which give a good boost to the essence.
Each ability if utilised in game can be tremendously useful. You can learn to “channel” the Darkness into your guns and fire off extra powerful shots without expending any ammunition, useful when your clip is already empty but that foe just won’t go down. Another ability allows you to unleash a swarm of insects to temporarily stun opponents and yet another allows you to knock an enemy into the air and freeze them in place for a few moments making them vulnerable to your fire.

Awesome visuals
Sound and voice acting was perfect and adds spice to the story. Visuals are mind blowing. Sometimes the environments looks gorgeous filled with every colour possible to make it feel real. The environments are filled with sharp objects and pots just to make the battle with enemies even more deadly.

The main drawback of the game is its short campaign. While you slowly develop the characters and you feel the story is actually beginning, it ends abruptly. Also one more thing i dint like is that the dragons growl at each other and take some time to be back on the battle while we are being aimed at.

The imp helps Jackie by lunging onto the enemies
Personally i felt the game was awesome but at the expense of the short campaign (6-7hrs). Due to this all the upgrade paths were not unlocked. I am concerned about this cause i want to see a different style of killing altogether. Apart from the short campaign the game looks gorgeous and sound and voice acting being impeccable, 2k games deliver much better first person shooter game than its prequel.

+ good story                               - short campaign
+ great visuals                             - throwing objects doesn't seem
+ sound and voice spot on              to work 
+ multiple ways of killing 
+ dragons are so cool 

My rating is 9.0......


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