Tuesday 22 January 2013

Guide to Far Cry 3

In this post i want to give some tips about how to survive in the dangerous island of Far Cry 3 and make it more interesting. This is kinda my survival guide to the game. :D

1. So firstly try and liberate outposts. By doing this we can get multiple save points and fast travel locations on the map-easier for starting over again near the desired place in case you die.

2. Try poaching lots of animals and different varieties of them. This will enable to craft more syringes and a pathway to additional powers on the "Tatau". I crafted all the possible pouches,wallets etc before the game progress was 15 %.

3. Game progress is entirely dependent on the player. It can either go slow by exploring every possible location, doing challenges, doing animal hunting etc or fast just by completing missions. I suggest one opts the former approach. Cause this will enable us to be ready for the next mission which might require additional powers and certain important weapons which BTW will unlock by doing side missions.

4. Gain more Xp by doing story quests, trails of Rakhyat, or by finding relics, letters of the lost which give big xp boost. This will unlock more skills and a better Jason brody. :P 

5. Finding relics, letters of the lost unlock signature weapons which are way better than normal weapons but are not customizable.                ( though paint jobs :P) 

6. Liberating outposts: Almost every outpost can be liberated silently, giving additional 1000 xp boost. Try and watch for cages where the animals are kept. Release them, and the animal will finish the pirates,cool ain't it? So don't spoil your hands :D. If there ain't no animal, try to have sniper ( preferably silent one ) and a Molotov  flamethrower for creating fire on the houses. The pirates treat this as a natural disaster and in panic, they start shooting each other. 

7. Climbing radio towers will unveil the map. Climb all of them to have a look at what is present where. 

8. Keeping variety of weapons in hand is very useful. I carried a sniper, SMG, Assault, Flamethrower in 4 different slots. Doing this will make the gameplay/fighting easy. 

9. LOOOT!!! Loot as much as you can. Don't worry if you cannot craft anything out of animal skins. They also can be sold. Pirates carry lot of money with them. Try unlocking 'grab 25% more money' skill. 

10. Try taking down multiple targets at once. I find Knife throw take down, heavy take down, death from above particularly useful. 

Trust me, its a bad bad world out there on rook's island. Only trust yourself. Vaas and Hoyt are unpredictable and very dangerous. They should taken out cleverly. So if you wanna fight them you will need these tips. Remember "Exploring is rewarding", and bust every body's ass :D 

Happy gaming ~GamesBuzz~!!


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